On Sunday afternoon I finished watching MasterChef Australia season 8. It was something I stumbled upon a couple of months ago as I was flicking through late night TV, and I was instantly hooked and set the box to record ( much to the annoyance of my mother because i refuse to delete the episodes). I may have mentioned it a couple of times to my friends and on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. OK so I talk about it a lot the more I became addicted. Because that was what it was, an addiction! We all talk about the shows that we've been watching and that we're hooked on and this became my show....and there was a lot to love about it!
You might at this point be thinking, isn't this a book blog, and you would be right. yes it is. But the show has shown me that it was so much more than just a cooking show, and for a long time as I keep mentioning, I've wanted to open this blog up talk about all the things that affect my bookish life, and that now apparently involved cooking. I went out and bought a blender, mixer and slate cheeseboard as a result of watching the show and I barely even cook!

This is where my point comes into play. Each of the contestants on the show weren't professional chefs. They've come from their own jobs and walks of life, with a passion and a dream, like so many of us have, and they're fighting for it. You got to know them over the episodes, you became connected to them, they were almost your friends, crushes (cough Harry)...but that's a completely different conversation! As with any show it was emotional to watch them grow and develop, to watch them be eliminated one by one (there was a lot of shouting at the TV grabbing the pillow and eating ice cream).

This show encouraged me to used #FoodPorn at every given opportunity. I love watching cookery shows, I love eating good food, and now I want to do all of these things even more. I want to start making food more (so it'd be great is Matt and Harry can bring out cook books please) and more than anything I want to take some of the fire that was lit under their arses and light my own fire to keep pushing myself for the things I want to achieve. I've started this year, but I know there's a lot of work to do! Let MasterChef by your guide!
Who's for a trip to Australia!?!?!
Also season 9 has just started recording so I can relieve this adventure all over again! But I think I've just accidentally seen who has won in looking for pictures for this post and that's a little crushing! I'm sure I'll still enjoy it anyway!
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