Today is the Dark Readers stop on the YA Shot blog tour..and what a tour it's been so far. The event which is in it's second year is not only a fantastic way to engage with a bunch of amazing authors but is putting libraries and their importance at the forefront...something we care a lot about here! For our stop I'm doing an author Spotlight on Joshua Khan, whose debut novel Shadow Magic comes out this October! SO let's get this Magic show on the road....

You can follow him at :@WriterJoshKhan

On his inspiration to write: The Hobbit was read to me when I was about 7, and it utterly transported me to Middle Earth. i remember it clearly, sitting on the classroom floor, looking at the sun come in from the window, wondering if I might be able to spot a hobbit myself, if I was really quiet.
That was a long, long time ago and I don't think I ever really came back from that trip.
On Writing: FINISH. If you can write a whole story, beginning, middle and end, and type THE END, then you are a writer. The pay cheque will come if you carry on doing it, learning your craft. I know a fair few great writers of openings and middles, but they never reach the end of what they begin without detouring off onto a new project. No, stick with it, see it through. FINISH!!! Cannot emphasise than enough. And if, when finishing, you realise you didn't enjoy it and never want to do it again, then you've learnt something about being a writer too. If you hit writers block Simple, do something else and step away from the keyboard. I find sitting at the screen, hoping for ideas to come is the worst place to be. I get on with cooking, making, wandering the streets, even fixing stuff up allows the idea to filter through, no pressure need be applied.
What's Next: BURNING MAGIC [Book three in the series] is on its way! I'm working on it right now and all I can tell you is it'll be set in the Sultanate of Fire. But you have to survive DREAM MAGIC first, and that's going to be INTENSE.
The YA blog shot tour continues tomorrow. Check out the YA Shot website ( where you can get tickets for the event, get involved on social media using the #YAshot and #YAShot2016 hashtags and also the YA Shot Twitter Account - @YAShotMediaTeam.
P.s Please not that the information for this blog has been pulled from Johsua's Goodreads page
P.s Please not that the information for this blog has been pulled from Johsua's Goodreads page
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