
Friday, 22 May 2015

Night School: The End(Game) is Coming! + ComicCon

This is not a two weeks (and now even less) all will be revealed in Night School: Endgame...and the big question is:

We know the books exists, because of the beaut box of proofs CJ has....I'm planning to go a bit Mission Impossible on them...bungee ropes and all. 

My theory is Carter is still in the make a dramatic enterence once again. OK so that's a bad theory but if it means that I can use the GIF again (you're welcome) then that's maybe not a bad thing. 

We also know there's a possible trailer...filmed in a car park (oh the glamorous life) though I've seen music videos filmed there too soo...

And you may remember a little obsession I had at the start of the year with the AMAZING Night school Webseries that was on Youtube...What's exciting is this Sunday YOOOOOU can meet the cast and crew at MCM Comic Con!!!!!! 

BAFTA nominated director Jack Jewers, Jessica Sargent (Allie Sheridan), Campbell Challis (Carter West), Grace Parry (Katie Gilmore), Jodie Hirst (Jo Arringford) and, last but not least, CJ Daugherty herself will all be there and their panel is at 1pm on Sunday. They're an amazing bunch of people, and I know it'll be a great panel! The series has won several Indie Series Network’s Web Series Awards, including Best Episode and Best Actor, and has been invited to appear at the Marseilles Web Festival in October 2015

Grab tickets from here and let us know if you're going! We want to see lots of pics

And to get you in the mood check out out Top Ten moments in the Night School  Web Series HERE 

And if you can't make it to Comic Con we've got interviews with CJ and Jack 

The End Game is coming we're ready are YOU?!?


  1. OMG!! Your post is amazing!! Your post has made sooooooo excited!!! LOL!!

  2. OMG!! Your post is amazing!! Your post has made sooooooo excited!!! LOL!!
