
Monday, 25 May 2015

Choc Lit Treats - Jane Lovering - Yorkshire Surprise

Happy Bank Holiday one and all. Hayley again! 
Choc Lit are an awesome publisher who not only publish fantastic books by awesome writers but they also send out little treats and chocolates. Yes I did in fact say chocolate.

The latest treat comes in the shape of Jane Lovering's Yorkshire Surprise, now if you have been reading Dark Readers for a while you will know that I am a huge fan of Jane's writing. A Vampire State of Mind came to me when I was having book issues nothing was holding my attention until I read this stunner.

Hubble Bubble was the next read that I devoured from Jane and I loved it :) My Hubble Bubble appreciation :)

Jane has been good to us at Dark Readers and we have featured her a few times this was in the lead up to the release of Falling Apart the continuation of Vampire State Of Mind Jane was our guest.

Jess and Sil really did get under my skin check it out here

So back to now....I am subscribed to choc lit so I regularly receive treats. Every single short I have read has made me adore the author even more or find more amazing authors to love. As I have already stated Jane is a favourite of mine, she never lets me down. The Yorkshire Surprise was a treat that made me love Rupert and Sarah and now I would like to know more about them. Thankfully Jane says they may get their own book one day. What I loved about this was the twist, what it taught me is never judge a book by it's cover. Everyone has their own hang ups and reasons for acting and being a certain way and unless you know their story NEVER EVER judge.

This post is also to apologise to Choc Lit I have been kind of quiet where they are concerned and I hope to change that as I love love love them. If you would like to receive these treats then make sure you sign up by emailing and don't forget the website they can also be found on Twitter.

Now I must organise my time so I can get on and read Jane's latest offering How I wonder What You Are....