- Tell us about your novel!
Kissing Frogs is a fun contemporary romance that’s a modern spin of The Frog Prince fairytale. The main character, Jess, finds out she’s failing biology and must travel to Panama with her school’s conservation club to help rescue endangered frogs. While there she encounters someone from her past who knows her secrets and has all sorts of (mis?) adventures amongst the backdrop of sand, surf, and palm trees. Fans of Stephanie Perkins will (I hope!) enjoy the book.
- When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve always loved writing but don’t actually give myself permission to be a writer until a few years ago. I worked as a literary agent, which was loads of fun but realized that I had to listen to the voice inside me that said
to believe in myself and go for it. Also a random psychic gave me the go-ahead on my birthday a few years ago and I was like, “Well, if the PSYCHIC said sooo…”
- What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Hmm. Nothing too interesting. I like to write outside at night if it’s warm out, preferably with CafĂ© del Mar playing in the background and a Chianti on my left. More often it’s my four-year-old yelling in the background, and my one-year old making a mess on my left. If you mean style-wise, I notice I qualify things too much. I’ll catch myself writing, “Casey was a bit put out,” or “a little angry,” instead of saying, “Casey was effing pissed.” All part of the polite Canadian thing I guess.
- What do you think makes a good story?
I like stories that suck me in and keep me turning the page. I also like exotic locales, adventure, romance and writing that make me giggle out loud. And if I can learn something new, that’s a bonus. All things I hope the reader finds in KF
- How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?
KF is my debut novel. I’m currently working on a second book and have a few other ideas whirling around up there.
- What authors do you like to read? What book or books have had a strong influence on you or your writing?
I’m a huge Diana Gabaldon fan. I love her writing, her characters and the way she crosses so many genres. She’s probably had the most influence on me. I’m also a big non-fiction gal. I like David Suzuki and environmental and conservation themes he touches on. If he and Carrie Bradshaw had a baby, that would be me.
- What’s the earliest memory you have of writing a story?
I think elementary school? I also wrote a lot of hilarious (not intentionally) poetry about love and heartbreak when I was a teenager. I had this epic on-again, off-again relationship, so again, a LOT of material to work with ;)
- What is your least favorite part of the writing process?
Sometimes it can be hard to turn off the little editor on my shoulder that occasionally likes to screech, “This sucks, stop writing now!!!” My solution is usually to have another glass of wine so she gets slightly slurry, slings her arm around my neck and is like, “this is GENIUSSS!” Then edit.
(Note – The author doesn’t advocate excessive drinking. Unless you have small children).
Check out Alisha talking about "5 Ways to tell if he's a toad"
This book sounds so good! So going to buy this!
Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy it! :) xoxo Alisha