
Monday, 6 April 2015

Rivers of London: A Hidden Chapter

So you may have seen a few posts on the blog and on Twitter about the read-a-long I'm doing in April for CityReads London and Rivers of London. As part of CityReads London there is currently an immersive Wizard Training course happening in Westminster Library, and I went to their first session!

First off I'm sure there was a ghost in the Library because the door keep moving, so the mood was set from the get go! It was a slightly weird feeling being in a Library when its closed, and even weirder going up in the bowls where people normally don't go. It was also a very fitting place, being where Sir Isaac Newton once lived (and if you go maybe you'll find he still does).

What I love about something like this is the way in which it completely embodies its source material and makes it so real and you a part of that reality, and this really did it for me, and its definitely going to enhance my read-a-long having met some of the characters now. Mama Thames and her daughter were fantastic, and I did not expect Newton to pop up but it was a strange surprise. He will sign books if anyone has a first edition of his works. The activities were short, but you got a real feel for what the book is about and how everything plays into each other and there was a real sense of personality to things.

I definitely advocate more events like this! Books make the perfect source for such dramatics and I can't wait to go to something else like this...I hear there's a zombie one going on in East London

Don't forget to join in my Rivers of London Read-a-Long on Twitter and Goodreads using the #Riversreadalong from Monday April 13th (arr that's a week away) and if you're in London do go check out this show!

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