
Thursday, 30 April 2015

Novellas and me.

Hey all Hayley here!! I thought before I just start posting reviews I would talk to you guys again.

I am also hoping that you guys can inspire me a little as well. So I was banging my head against the wall thinking well what do I say? I haven't been that active on this blog and I thought now is the time to change that.

So why novellas...well they are one of my favourite things about my Kobo...sometimes if you've been extremely busy or have read something heavy picking up a novella is just like having a coffee with a friend. I have read quite a few novellas and some of those have been blogged about and some were sadly forgotten. So time to change.

Here are a few that I did review:

Every Year By Ceceila Ahern

Teardrop short by Lauren Kate - Lauren Kate is one of my faves and I am sad to say I haven't devoured Waterfall yet but now I am back on track this will happen soon.

A few short stories.

Wow there are probably a fair few that didn't get reviewed for whatever reason. But I hope that I can rectify this. In February Avon Books did a Valentines collection which I loved and I may still have a few of them that haven't been devoured. What I really love about novellas is that they're long enough for you to realise whether you want to read more from the author but they're not too heavy.

So what I would like to ask is what shall I be reading? I want all your ideas....

I have Ivy Lane part one on my Kobo and I have heard good things about that so do tell.

I see Nicole reviewed Lying Out Loud I am hoping to write up my thoughts on seeing The Duff, although I haven't read the book. That's another question for you guys. Should I?

Speak soon.


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