
Sunday, 22 March 2015

Rivers of London Read-A-Long Announcement + GIVEAWAY!!!

Helloooooo to you all. I've been having so much fun on our current His Dark Materials Read-a-long on twitter it's inspired me to do another one! This time round I'll be reading 'Rivers of London' by Ben Aaronovitch in honour of  Cityreads London 2015, and I hope you'll all join me, and if you live in London pop around to one of your nearest libraries at one of Ben's events! Plus we have an exciting GIVEAWAY below...

Cityread London promotes the key ideas of reading for pleasure, engaging new library users, enhancing the experience of existing readers, and encouraging people to explore and celebrate London’s culture, landscape and history. Cityread London represents culture for all, with all London library services developing a programme of reading, activities and events using a variety of formats including ebooks, audiobooks, large print, and in translation where possible, aimed at encouraging readers at all levels. This is a great project, as libraries have been so important to me, and I'm sure an import part of all your lives too! And they've picked on of my favourite books this year and have got some exciting events in aid of it (see below)!

Rivers of London follows detective PC Grant, who finds out, whilst trying to take a statement off a man, who later turns out to be a ghost one night, that his skills are more...extraordinary. Now he's the first trainee Wizard in fifty years and the spirit of riot and rebellion has awakened in the city, and it's falling to me to bring order out of chaos - or die trying.

You can check out an extract of the book here:

I'll be doing my Read-A-Long from April 13th -19th over on @DarkRReviews so grab a copy and join in the discussion, whether you've read it before or you're reading it for the first time. I'll be using the #RiversReadalong

There are also some great events happening all throughout April: 

Cityreads Launch: Friday 3 April 2pm-4pm, Covent Garden Piazza

PC Peter Grant has borrowed his boss’ Mk II Jaguar and is bringing it down to Covent Garden to help us launch Cityread. Be one of 1000 to get a special copy of the book and meet author Ben Aaronovitch as well as some real life Met recruits. (HOW good does this sound!)

Rivers of London – a hidden chapter an interactive experience.

Westminster Reference Library

Ever wondered how London Met fends off supernatural criminals in the capital? Or if ghosts were real? If rivers could talk what would they say? Know the difference between a cold breeze and when all the heat has been sucked from a room by a vampire?

Come to the official training centre for new recruits to see if you have what it takes.

Interactive theatre company Look Left Look Right are adapting Ben Aaranovitch's Rivers of London into an immersive participatory experience. 

AND WE HAVE A PAIR OF TICKETS TO GIVEAWAY! (I'm sooooo excited for this, I can't wait to go myself) Enter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ben Aaronovitch London Library Tour

Ben will be visiting a library in each London borough and you can find full details of each library and over HERE

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