Hello all Hayley here!!!
I just wanted to check in and say hi and to tell you a little bit about some short stories I have loved. If you've read and loved a short story, do feel free to drop me a line. I really am loving them at the moment and I would really appreciate it.
I still have to devour Ivy Lane as well as a few others that await me on my Kobo.
Anyway onto Miranda Dickinson I really do not understand how this woman manages to always think of and have time for her readers, alongside other deadlines vlogging and her gorgeous daughter Flo who is only just over a month old. Miranda I really cannot believe how quick time has flown.
During the Easter period Miranda gave readers a fantastic short story in A Nice Place To Sit.
During the Easter period Miranda gave readers a fantastic short story in A Nice Place To Sit.
I really enjoyed reading A Nice Place To Sit, a very real short story. It focuses on a number of real-life issues including; redundancy, life, work and what really matters to us and makes us tick. It gave you enough to feel satisfied but on the flip side the other part of you wants to know more.
Having just finished a few books that have left me with a serious book hangover I decided to delve into short stories. I am really enjoying them, for me it has broken up my reading and gave me time to focus, function and actually enjoy my next read more.
Before reading A Nice Place To Sit I found another short of Miranda's that I had somehow missed.
The First Steps To Selfishness. I hate saying this as it's obviously a short read, but even though this was quite short the story was built up well. It made you think the worst of Dervla, a hardworking woman who always puts her family first well until this day. I loved that it made you think something completely different to the actual outcome and that is why I truly adore Miranda Dickinson's writing.
If you haven't read anything from Miranda then you're seriously missing out...she is awesome I still need to devour When I Fall In Love (which I have had for a while slaps hand) and Welcome To My World and then I am well and truly up to date until book six comes out.
In case you missed my last review of one of Miranda's awesome reads and probably one of my faves Take A Look At Me Now.. you can find it here

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