Author: Rosie Blake
Publisher: Novelicious
Summary: Some people book last-minute holidays, walk barefoot in the grass or party on a week night. Not Nicola Brown. Nicola is the kind of girl who double-locks the front door, leaves the plastic covering on new furniture, sticks to a super-strict diet and definitely, absolutely Does Not Date.
Her colleague Caroline – loopy, warm and exasperated by her, knows that Nicola's reluctance to lose control means she's living only half a life. And so she lays down the gauntlet: Nicola must cast aside her hang ups and go on as many dates as it takes to find true love in time for Valentine's Day.
The pick of local men is, quite frankly, a bit rubbish. And there are only three months until February 14th. Surely it's an impossible task? But, as Nicola is about to find out on her dodgy dates, letting go isn't quite as scary as she imagined. In fact, it's rather a lot of fun...
Review: I feel like a stuck record but another awesome book that I have found via Twitter.
What did us book worms do before Twitter eh.
Firstly, I must clarify that this is not a self-help book for like minded single girls.
But what I will say is this is a laugh out loud book of pure genius by debut author Rosie Blake, and I cannot wait to see what else she does. Rosie I am well and truly a fan.
I wish I had, had a day off when I started reading this because it is safe to say I would have read Nicola Brown's tale in one sitting if I had, had the chance and the time.
Nicola is a like able and love able young woman that I am sure we can all see a piece of ourselves in her.
Rosie writes effortlessly, it was funny reading through some of Rosie's awful dates but most of us girls can recognise bits and pieces in these strange lads.
Nicola's friend and colleague Caroline and her brother Mark both try and pimp Nicola out to various friends and associates as they both believe that she needs to get out more and live a little and some of the guys she meets are hilarious. Nicola is a tad OCD but she had a horrible break up that has meant she's guarded herself from love and threw herself into her work, meaning she hasn't had much time for her personal life.
Nicola's brother Mark has a sarcastic edge and a good heart but a few of the guys he chooses for his sister are LOL hilarious. You'll see what I mean if you choose to pick up this treat. All I can say is the guy who takes her on a boat in November hmmm it makes an interesting read.
All along the signs pointed to Nicola's perfect guy and it sure was funny seeing her finally put the pieces together. I really really enjoyed reading How To Get A Love Life and I look forward to following Rosie's career......when can I expect the next book????
If you're looking for a book that helps you escape then this is a laugh out loud must...

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