Author: Josephine Angelini
Publisher: MacMillan
UK Release date: 5th July 2012
Summary: As the only Scion that can enter Hades at will, Helen descends to the Underworld in search of a way to overcome the Furies and end the cycle of revenge that has cursed the Scions. But she’s running out of time. Each descent weakens her both in mind and spirit. A mysterious stranger might be her only salvation, but the price may be her love for Lucas Delos.
As an unforgettable love triangle emerges, Josephine Angelini’s compelling saga becomes ever more intricate and spellbinding. The eagerly awaited sequel to the internationally bestselling Starcrossed, Dreamless delivers with a huge emotional impact that will leave readers satisfied—and longing for more
Review: Do you ever sit at home and think about wanting to be in other world? To be suck into a place which excites you, challenges you and keeps you entertained through out? Well here is the time where you pick up Dreamless and be transformed into a world you'll never want to leave.
Teenagers decendents from Greek gods with powers you can only imagine in your wildest dreams!
Dreamless is the highly anticipated sequel to the best selling Star crossed, and let me say it has excelled any thoughts I had. The Underworld, Morpheus, Ares, Hades and the scary Furies this book is packed full of amazing Greek mythology! With each, Line, page and chapter you can defiantly see Josephine has done her research.
The way Josephine has described Dreamless's world is so vivid. I think its descriptive and effective. Josephine has created word images so vivid that it is almost like watching a movie. She takes you for a romp through crazy worlds of Powerful gods, lightning, dreams, portals, Caves and unbelievable places you can only imagine in your wildest dreams. A action packed suspenseful event where two people fight to lift the curses of the furies for the ones they love and fight to keep each other alive in the process.
Let's talk about the characters in this novel. I will have honestly say that out of all the gods that were introduced in Dreamless my favorite was Morpheus! The God of Dreams! His sexy, seductive self was very compelling and I can tell you all will enjoy reading that scene as much as I did!
Josephine has written Helen and Lucas's scenes so picturesquely and romantic that I had myself swooning through out. So much detail and love has been put into these two characters and you can defiantly see that while reading. Sometimes heat ache but sometimes glorious.
There are few more enticing characters in this novel I would be here all day if I talked about them all but I will say this. If you like heroic, challenging, attractive funny characters then this is the book for you. And also a new character has been introduced who I think was very refreshing and such an exciting read.. Orion.
Josephine has set the bar very high for any Greek mythology YA orientated novels, I haven't read an amazing one like this in awhile and as I sit here with happy exciting tears running down my face I can honestly say this book can defiantly inspire you to love and fight for what you believe it.

I enjoyed Star Crossed and it looks like I'll enjoy Dreamless as well. Thanks for the review!
great review! I can't wait to read this one. I wasn't sure I would like Starcrossed and ended up loving it!
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