
Monday, 19 March 2012

Just a little about me- Hayley my book inspiration...

I thought it was about time I started to reveal the girl behind the book reviews, as I haven't posted many non-review posts. So, here I am.

I've always been an avid reader since a young age, I remember seeing Father Christmas in Allders, and being given a present which turned out to be a copy of 'The Railway Children'.
My sister wasn't that bothered by the book but I was always eager to expand my knowledge and focus my mind.

I remember loving Enid Blyton's novels and last christmas I brought my oldest niece Charlie-Ann 'The Magic Faraway Tree' and various other Enid novels.
I haven't had a chance to read them with her yet, but I cannot wait to do so.

When I went to secondary school I didn't have much time for books of my choice, as I had to read stuff for the curriculum.
As you've seen from Casey's post she is a huge lover of Romeo and Juliet, I too enjoyed reading the works of Mr Shakespeare.

During my time at Eltham Hill I also read and loved Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello to name a few.
I studied English right up to A Levels, and during my A Level's I was assigned to read 'Enduring Love' by Ian McEwan.
This novel was so complex yet compelling, I was so fascinated I couldn't wait to continue so I read more after class and more than our scheduled reading.
The imagery and the cleverness had me hooked, not knowing what to think and feel.
I was drawn back into reading and I wanted more and more, having loved the book I wanted to see the film when it came out maybe a year or two after i'd studied it.
The film was good it caught some of the magic of the book but I wasn't as hooked on the screenplay.
I look forward in going back through Ian McEwan's back catalogue at some point I loved the film Atonement but once i've read the book that may change.

I then moved onto many girlie based reads such as Ceceila Ahern- whom! I love, Jenny Colgan and Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees.
Liking those sorts of authors meant I didn't have that many new books to read and then I discovered Twilight where my lust for Vampires and the paranormal started.
Now I love and hate series based books, I love that they continue yet I hate that I usually have a wait for the next instalment.
I've just finished Witchstruck By Victoria Lamb my review will be up this week and I am currently in the middle of reading Fated the beginning of my fave author Alyson Noels new series so far I am loving it....


  1. Love this post. I always want to know more about the people behind the blogs I read, but they rarely provide any insight into their life/background. Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely be popping in more often.

    PS - I think it's hilarious that your sis "wasn't that bothered" by The Railways Children. Ha, ha!

  2. Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for the comment.
    I hope to do many more of these as well as my Top Ten Tuesday's, there will be a second one from me on Tuesday so do check it out.

