Author: Becca Fitzpatirck
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
UK&US Release Date: October 4th
Summary: The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever
Review: Oh Patch and Nora are back and even in more trouble than before. This amazing book is full of heart pounding, scary, angelic exciting moments. I am sure everyone was waiting for this novel to come out and hoped it was just as good as Hush Hush and Crescendo? Well Silence is even better!
The things that Nora Grey is going through, do you ever think that one day you could suddenly lose your memory and lose those precious moments? personally I wouldn't want to as I want to hold the memory of reading this amazing book for a while. That's one memory I don't want to lose.
I really enjoyed this novel. It was well written and kept me going till all hours of the night. Becca has created word images so vivid that it is almost like watching a movie. She takes you for a exciting ride through through a scary world full of Nephilim and Archangels. Nora and Patch finds themselves in a action packed suspenseful story that had my eyes glued to that page and tears falling.
I really liked that Nora and Patches love for each other was tested once again in this novel, Becca's writing skills never stops to amaze me. Becca has written Nora and Patch's scenes so beautifully and romantic that I had myself swooning through out. So much detail and love has been put into these two characters and you can defiantly see that while reading. Sometimes heat ache but sometimes glorious.
All the characters played really important roles in the novel I think Becca has hit the mark on all of them. Even some characters from the past? Shocking twists at the end that will defiantly leave your jaw hanging open for awhile. This skilfully craft novel contains some action, mystery, intrigue, humour and romance in a neat package that is not just entertaining but challenges your mind and imagination.
This book brought me in straight away and I couldn't believe how many jaw dropping moments there truly was! Silence is another fascinating, memorable, heartbreaking, story and I cannot wait for the sequel.

I really didn't get on with the first book Hush Hush, so I have avoided this series since. However your review makes me feel like I am missing out on something.
Glad you liked this book Casey! Sounds like a great read!
I'm sorry, but this book felt like such a huge "f*** you" to the fans. The majority of it was spent with Nora having amnesia and other characters telling her about events that we, as readers, already know about. And all that big to-do about Hank/Black Hand and he dies in five pages with a simple gunshot to the head?! Oooh, the author seriously let me down. I'm waiting to see if people agree with me, as the few reviews already on Goodreads/Amazon are positive as well.
Oh crap! Accidental spoiler! I am SOOOOO sorry! Delete my comment above, please! :-O
WELL TO ANONYMOUS PERSON, I love Becca Fitzpatrick and I loved Hush, Hush and liked Crescendo, but Silence to me felt bleh. I did not even finish reading it :-( I will read the next though and see how that one goes. I still bought it and supported Becca, but it definitely isn't my favorite in the series.
To Casey lol
I am glad you enjoyed it. As always, I love your reviews.
I really enjoyed Silence I though it added a lot too the story. Losing her memory did not slow Nora down. She fought to get back and with it the life that she had. I loved all the twists and turns that happened throughout Silence and some I was not expecting at all. Will definitively be reading the 4th book in this series. Great Review!
Nicole@The More the Merrier... i have to agree with you... Nora was strong, she didnt let her amnesia get the best of her.
2 big thumbs up for Becca for doing such a great job.
PS. i know, late comment but whatever...
to the first Anonymous person i soooo agree with you, i have only read the firt two chapters and i whated to shot myself. i am soooo glad that i didn't pay for it myself. and the first one was good but in all of them it seemed that she did not have insite to the way a sophmores (me) life really is.<3
love kayjude ;)
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