Title: My Soul to take
Author: Rachel Vincent
Publishers: Mira Books
Paperback: 368 pages
Rachel Vincents Website: http://rachelvincent.com/
Summary: She doesn't see dead people, but She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next
Everytime I pick up a new book I hope and pray it captivates me and keeps me reading. Did this book do this? DEFINANTLY. From the Main Characters Kaylee, Nash and Todd to the unbelievable way its set out and written.
The Book affected me a lot. In the way that I could tell Rachel did her research. The detail to the way Banshees were written was really insiteful and interesting. As soon as I finished the book I got on google and researched on these old myths about the irish banshees. Heres a picture I came across Scary huh? ;)

Its something I have never come across in any of the books I have read and that is one of the reasons I love this book dearly...its because its new and fresh and something I could never imagen being written about in a YA novel but it has and it works.The quality of writing is fantastic the pace, the orginality, fullness of the development and the fluidity. All these make a good book and this book has them all.
Rachels Characters are not at all flat or three-dimensional. You can definantly relate to them all. Nash is the lead boy in the book hes very dreamy and I am sure the girl readers of this book will just fall madly in love with him by the end (I did). I cant really say much about Todd because I haven't seen much from him as in Character Development. But from what I have read I can say hes very Loyal and I see he has an eye on Kaylee. Kaylee is not your typical damsell in distress.. shes very headstrong. She knows what she wants and never lies... You can always relate to a nice girl like this. There are many more characters in this book and they all are very likeable and relatable in all aspects.
This book definanlty wants to make you read on and on. From the beginning of the book you have no idea why Kaylee is like this and then BAM it hits you. There were no hints of what she could be and as soon as you find out all your therioes are blow out the window. So much suspence so many conclusions you wouldn't even think would happen. When characters cry you cry. When characters get angry you get angry. These concepts make Rachel's book fantastic.
I cannot wait for the second book in this series to be released in the UK and I am sure the rest of the series will be just as fantastic. Rachel Vincents My Soul to Take will take pride in place on my book shelf with the stories I will never forget.
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